Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Weekly Gratitude - My readers and a sleeping volcano

  • Thank you to my readers, for being there, for reading and posting comments. It really does mean a lot to me.
  • Thank you for my job. A lot of young people here in Iceland will be unemployed this summer, which can damage their financial situation badly.
  • Thank you to my co-workers, for being so hilarious! I mainly work with two women this summer, and both of them are sweet and kind, and so funny! You really can't be in a bad mood around them, at least not for long.
  • Thank you to my furry friend, for playing with the water in the bathtub... it gave us all a good laugh, and now her face is sparkling clean (I usually have to help her with that, which she doesn't like at all :)
  • Thank you for the volcano going to sleep... at least it seems like it is going to sleep, which is good news for the entire country, but especially for the people who live in the neighbourhood of the volcano.
  • Thank you to my niece (who is also one of my best friends) for coming to visit me last weekend - we stayed up way too late, watched movies, talked and had the best of time!
  • Thank you to God, for teaching me to spot and appreciate the truly important things and persons in my life. Nothing feels better than knowing that you care.

Miss Diorista

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